
put tiles on a board and match their edges together
  7 reviews

GNOME Tetravex is a simple puzzle game which scope is to move the various pieces from one side of the board to the other side, so that the same numbers depicted on the pieces are touching each other.
Latest reviews
cant_even 4 days ago

The 3.38 version's mouse-behavior is click-drag-click vs. the standard click&hold;-drag-release in 3.22.

rvqx 3 years ago

I installed Gnome Tetravex on my Linux Mint20 xfce 64 bit, but it is only available in size 3x3.

OscarT 3 years ago

Awesome. Just one feedback for version 3.36.0 : the Best Score shown is actually the second best score. To see the best score you must click on Show Score.

thistof 7 years ago

Awesome game, I wish it had better snapping, because when I place a piece sometimes it flies back to the board on the right even if it's the correct piece, making it tedious to play with a mouse.

tak2100 10 years ago

Great puzzle and logic game!

3gghead 10 years ago

Easy to learn and play. On any new install or upgrade I use it to tweak the mouse settings. Scoreboard filled with 10-20s times means mouse-response and accuracy are optimal.

aro83 10 years ago

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