The 3.38 version's mouse-behavior is click-drag-click vs. the standard click&hold;-drag-release in 3.22.
I installed Gnome Tetravex on my Linux Mint20 xfce 64 bit, but it is only available in size 3x3.
Awesome. Just one feedback for version 3.36.0 : the Best Score shown is actually the second best score. To see the best score you must click on Show Score.
Awesome game, I wish it had better snapping, because when I place a piece sometimes it flies back to the board on the right even if it's the correct piece, making it tedious to play with a mouse.
Easy to learn and play. On any new install or upgrade I use it to tweak the mouse settings. Scoreboard filled with 10-20s times means mouse-response and accuracy are optimal.