
GNOME Twitch app for watching streams without a browser or flash
  4 reviews

Gnome-twitch provides a GTK3 interface for viewing streams on Twitch. At the moment you can
* browse popular streams,
* browse streams by game,
* search for streams,
* view streams,
* use the chat with a Twitch account,
* change the video quality,
* follow streams on your Twitch account and
* switch between player backends.
More features like recording streams, VODs (Video-On-Demand), integration of Twitch account features like following streams are planned.
Latest reviews
JimmiVP 3 years ago

Doesnt work at all. Tried everything.

Bughouse 6 years ago

I tried this 3 times and finally figured out you need to install the player backends also. I got the MPV OpenGL to work with the chat on the same window, and the gstreamer Cairo splits the chat window and the video stream.

NaruTrey 6 years ago

Устанавливайте Flatpak-версию, эта версия падает с ошибкой сегментации

LLlOZAHAX 7 years ago

Doesn't work at all.