
platform game where you have to jump up to survive
  7 reviews

The goal in this game is to jump to the next floor so you don't fall down. As you go higher in the falling tower the floors will fall faster. Try to survive longer than anyone, or, in single player mode, try to get as high as you can.

At the moment, the game is called sdljump (and it will appear as such in the menu), but the package name has changed following an upstream rename. The new version of the game will be called gnujump as well.

The game is a clone of xjump, and provides all its features, plus some more: * Multiplayer mode (up to four players, not networked) * Smooth graphics possible (but xjump style as well) * Different themes are available * Can use OpenGL for rendering * Music and sound effects * Recording (and replaying) of games
Latest reviews
Tomi1980 7 years ago

Wooooow tiszta mortal kombat :D

Ali_RNT 10 years ago

I really like it, it`s very similar to xjump

HerrDierk 10 years ago

Its a nice game. Simple... but nice

passstab 13 years ago

a must have

Agentkiller4 13 years ago

I no lifed this till i mannaged to get above floor 50 =]

silvergeko 14 years ago

fantastic game

davidgagne80 14 years ago

Great little game!