
Command-line driven interactive plotting program. X-package
  2 reviews

Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven interactive data and function plotting utility that supports lots of output formats, including drivers for many printers, (La)TeX, (x)fig, Postscript, and so on.

Data files and self-defined functions can be manipulated by the internal C-like language. Can perform smoothing, spline-fitting, or nonlinear fits, and can work with complex numbers.

This package contains the terminal driver that enables gnuplot to plot images interactively under X11.
Latest reviews
sharno 10 years ago

This package is highly needed for octave to plot graphs on any graphical system - I think it should be downloaded by default with gnuplot .. had this error before it"set terminal x11 enhanced title "Figure 1" ^ line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal' for a list"

minnew 11 years ago

This is the one to download...kept getting