
feature-rich dictionary lookup program
  20 reviews

Features: * Use of WebKit for an accurate articles' representation, complete with all formatting, colors, images and links. * Support of multiple dictionary file formats, namely: - Babylon .BGL files, complete with images and resources - StarDict .ifo/.dict./.idx/.syn dictionaries - Dictd .index/.dict(.dz) dictionary files - ABBYY Lingvo .dsl source files, together with abbreviations. The files can be optionally compressed with dictzip. Dictionary resources can be packed together into a .zip file. - ABBYY Lingvo .lsa/.dat audio archives. Those can be indexed separately, or be referred to from .dsl files. * Support for Wikipedia, Wiktionary, or any other MediaWiki-based sites to perform lookups in. * Ability to use arbitrary websites as dictionaries via templated Url patterns. * Hunspell-based morphology system, used for word stemming and spelling suggestions. * Ability to index arbitrary directories with audio files for pronunciation lookups. * Full Unicode case, diacritics, punctuation and whitespace folding. This means the ability to type in words without any accents, correct case, punctuation or spaces (e.g. typing 'Grussen' would yield 'grüßen' in German dictionaries). * Scan popup functionality. A small window pops up with the translation of a word chosen from another application. * Support for global hotkeys. You can spawn the program window at any point, or directly translate a word from the clipboard. * Tabbed browsing in a modern Qt 5 interface.
Latest reviews
yamahacrazy 5 months ago

uses wikipedia for information. not a real dictionary. can't be used offline.

caltrop4 2 years ago

unfortunately it does NOT work offline

alella 3 years ago

that's good. i love it and so usefull

guest0561_web 4 years ago

alternative: qtrans

Brn17 6 years ago

Perfect, I use it since 7 years !

cybernaut 6 years ago

Fantastic free dictionary! The best thing of all is that I can actually use any number of dictionaries through this one interface, I only need their databases!

mkamilturan 7 years ago

oldukça güzel bir program bir eksiği de yok her bilgisayrda olması gerekli rbence

zmagasv 8 years ago

I use it instead of ABBYY Lingvo. Good program

MagicMint 9 years ago

I consider it a must-have for anybody who’s using more than his mother tongue. It’s nothing else than a fast but specialized web browser that displays the results of a query neatly arranged in a single tab. As a consequence you’ll have to dig yourself for off-line dictionaries, but you could as well add online sources. I’m using lots of dictionaries, online resources, and local programs via GoldenDict — and it works like a charm.

Zaguid 9 years ago

Очень продуманная вещь и для обучения, и для работы

WhitePhoenix 9 years ago

This is not an alternative to Lingoes. It isn’t even close. Lingoes is free. I don’t know how they do it, but they do it. There are lots of free programs, etc. for Linux, why is it that a Windows program can be free, but you can’t find a Linux version that is? Dictionary sources are too limited. Plus many features included in Lingoes is missing. The user interface is not user friendly, though I suppose if you have dictionaries it may be less so. Maybe I’m just spoiled after using Lingoes. Did it ever occur to the developer of Golden Dictionary to work with the developer of Lingoes to create a Linux version of Lingoes?

Mehmet 9 years ago

Çevrimdışı çalışabilmesi güzel ancak sözlük eklemeniz gerek. Bana göre şimdilik çevrimdışı sözlükler arasında en iyisi bu. Tavsiye ederim.

dangkhoa1612 9 years ago

Tuyet voi!

pceanadach 9 years ago

excellent 5

h_alavi1990 10 years ago

Liked it!

kyrillosnagy 10 years ago

Good dictionary ..

BlueFin 10 years ago

Can't figure out where to get dictionaries to install in it.

brego 10 years ago

it's my english

shian 10 years ago


bahrampc 10 years ago

very good