
GNU Paint - a small, easy to use paint program for GNOME
  11 reviews

This is gpaint (GNU Paint), a small-scale painting program for GNOME, the GNU Desktop Environment. gpaint does not attempt to compete with GIMP, it is just a simple drawing package based on xpaint, along the lines of 'Paintbrush' from a popular non-free operating system.

Currently gpaint has the following features: * Drawing tools such as ovals, freehand, polygon and text, with fill or shadow for polygons and closed freehand shapes. * Cut and paste by selecting irregular regions or polygons. * Preliminary print support using gnome-print. * Modern, ease-to-use user interface with tool and color palettes. * Multiple-image editing in a single instance of the program. * All the image processing features present in xpaint.
Latest reviews
zazzy20 6 years ago

Utterly useless!

Camaro91 6 years ago

A poor paint clone with no resize, no move tool, no zoom. You can add text, but can move or edit it, if you make a mistake you pretty much have to start the image over. A simple task is just too complicated for a basic paint clone. Good on paper, bad in practice. Needs to be redone.

RandyNose 9 years ago

Would love to find a package that would allow for simple edits to a screen shot. Also the ablity to resize, etc. Would love the functions of gThumb and this to be merged.

nejdetckenobi 12 years ago

No resize option, No undo option, you cant draw with background color which you selected by using right click. No zoom option. Poor alternative for its original.

interferenc 13 years ago

No resize/crop like mspaint has.

lm4td 13 years ago

No Edit>Undo/Redo functionality

blueXrider 13 years ago

don't care for it

dagon 14 years ago

This is a minimalistic paint-program. Even though it does what it do without complaints it lacks some of the more elementary functions that you'ld expect to find like zoom in/out and especially, there is no regret-function.

Konda 14 years ago

Ah, this is just like mspaint, but for linux! That's great. It may be just me, but there is no image resizing?

penguinuser 14 years ago

Easy to use and a good Linux alternative for MS Paint.

Scorpion 14 years ago

Excelente para ediciones rĂ¡pidas y no necesitas Gimp