
GTK+ text editor for ebook PDF files
  4 reviews

Gpdftext opens a simple text-based PDF file, typically intended for reading on an ebook reader and loads the text into a text editor window, autoformatting the text for long lines and paragraph breaks.

gpdftext is useful when the downloaded PDF uses a small font or wastes a lot of space in the margins so that a plain text file would display in a more comfortable font.

gpdftext supports spell checking and editor font selection and can save ASCII content as PDF.
Latest reviews
serikz 10 years ago

Не возможно сохранить... Все идет сплошным текстом без абзацев и пробелов. Бесполезная прог-а

y4kydyk 12 years ago

Нужно было заполнить таблицу присланную в PDF. Для этой задачи он не подходит. Всю таблицу объединил в один сплошной текст, удалив первоначальное форматирование.

shusse 13 years ago

A little too basic. Titles and headings lose formatting and get smashed together into a wall of plain text, making it less than readable.

kip- 13 years ago

great tool to extract text from pdf docs - im using for my kindle to get pictures away from books also it make them smaller as txt files so more books in kindle ;)