
Grub2 theme for Linux Mint
  3 reviews

Grub2 theme for Linux Mint
Latest reviews
masemoel 2 years ago

It's pretty awesome. You install it and it's automatically applied. I can't still understand why they removed it from being the default GRUB theme on LM20> releases.

rugunac 4 years ago

No need for additional software or package, just click install and it's applied! Looks minty cool :)

sebadamus 4 years ago

Its ok! looks good background and icons works without any problem. I apply it within Grub-Customizer (to make it easier) dont know if it works just installing without touching grub stuff. The only "ugly" thing in my machine is that when you are in the grub boot menu and you press E for edit the "box" or lines arround the screen wont show lines, insted it shows some ugly characters... might need to add a font or something else.