
Transcoding and recording plug-ins and tools for gstreamer
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Gentrans, or gstreamer entrans, is a software package providing a collection of plug-ins and tools for the gstreamer multimedia framework specifically geared towards transcoding and recording purposes.

gstreamer allows for easy multimedia processing and creation of multimedia applications, as e.g. demonstrated by a number of players and some other applications already built on it. the purpose here is to concentrate on using the framework for transcoding purposes. specifically, this project provides for:
* a collection of plug-ins that perform (mainly video) filtering, be
it ported from other existing sources, or otherwise developed or
contributed. in either case, however, once so available through
gstreamer api, they can be used by any other gstreamer based
application (including scripted languages using one of the available
language bindings)
* (scripted) tools wrapping and exposing gstreamer functionality to
cater for a comfortable experience; pipeline building, non-linear
selections, reporting, configuration management, etc
* some documentation and explanation that goes along with all this
particular purpose