
takes screenshots of applications as PDF or SVG files
  2 reviews

This gtk module allows you to take a screenshot of a running gtk-3 application as a vector image, with fully scalable graphics and selectable text. It supports rendering the application to PDF, SVG and PostScript.
Latest reviews
tr0nic 9 years ago

it's a great approach to mark screenshots just with a mouseclick. But I can't use it with LM 17.3 Cinnamon - please can anyone port it or develop it further. thanks so far

Boringbytes 12 years ago

Great idea! but theres no way to configure the program and choose how to save the files before the save window opens. No help or about info is available from the screenshot button interface, On my desktop the program interface is just a single floating button. No man entry. Wont screenshot the entire desktop with open windows. It DOES create true vector screenshots that are fully editable and scalable when it works. Works only on gtk3 application windows. Developers: This little app is a wonderful idea, please continue to build upon it.