
advanced drum machine/step sequencer
  9 reviews

Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine which provides a professional, yet simple and intuitive, pattern-based drum programming interface.

General features: * Very user-friendly, modular, fast and intuitive graphical interface based on Qt 5. * Sample-based stereo audio engine, with import of sound samples in .wav, .au and .aiff formats. * Support of samples in compressed FLAC file.

Sequencer and mixer features: * Pattern-based sequencer, with unlimited number of patterns and ability to chain patterns into a song. * Up to 64 ticks per pattern with individual level per event and variable pattern length. * 32 instrument tracks with volume, mute, solo, pan capabilities. * Multi layer support for instruments (up to 16 samples for each instrument). * Ability to import/export song files. * Unique human velocity, human time, pitch and swing functions. * Multiple patterns playing at once.

Other features: * JACK, ALSA, PortAudio, OSS and PulseAudio audio drivers. * ALSA MIDI and PortMidi input with assignable midi-in channel (1..16, ALL). * Import/export of drumkits. * Export song to wav file. * Export song to midi file.
Latest reviews
neptronix 3 years ago

So cool, but man.. it could use a piano roll!! shame it only does drums!!

dbrich 3 years ago

With update to Mint 20 it stopped working. Even the default drum set is missing and previously created patterns and songs are producing no sound. It seems to happen, because this version of Hydrogen needs QT 5.14 and the current Linux Mint comes with QT 5.12.

tuprofe_demusica 10 years ago

Excelente. Completo. Fácil de programar e integrar con otros programas de producción musical.

abcd 12 years ago

I like it better than most commercial products, because it does exactly what I want it to.

SirGalahad 12 years ago


ulysses 12 years ago

Good program

EDDE_E 14 years ago

A good drum machine with nice drum kits, work well with a MPD controller.

matafleur 14 years ago

So nice and funny.From pro to newbie

Alexio 14 years ago

It's very easy to use and can be fun for those who have never played an instrument or done any work with sound.