
Graphical shoutcast/icecast client
  6 reviews

Internet DJ Console is an Internet radio application for making a live radio show or podcast. Features include two main media players with a crossfader, a jingle player, microphone signal processing (compressor and noise gate), IRC track announcements with X-Chat, an automatic stream shut-off timer, MP3 or Ogg streaming and recording at various bit rates, aux input for connecting external JACK aware applications, and audio level meters.
Latest reviews
monomusika 2 years ago

Lamentablemente despues de la actualizacion a linux mint 19.3 Tricia ya no esta disponible para versiones de mint superiores. a lo largo de muchos aƱos ha sido el software con el que comodamente he podido trabajar en la emisora de radio. si alguien lee este mensaje por favor compilar este software para versiones de linux mint superiores. GRACIAS - Unfortunately after the upgrade to linux mint 19.3 Tricia is no longer available for higher mint versions. For many years it has been the software with which I have been able to comfortably work at the radio station. if anyone read this message please compile this software for higher linux mint versions. THANK YOU!!

gepko 10 years ago

werkt onder petra prima alleen als je em in het klein zet is hij spoorloos verdwenen,verder prima software gr gepko

St_Clinton 11 years ago

I couldn't get this to stream, but it works great for creating my prerecorded podcast

Ironclad 12 years ago

Hm... I can't seem to get it to work, but the concept seems nice...

johynpapin 12 years ago

Indispensable! =D

Spacey 13 years ago

Easy to use and set up with exactly the right controls you need to broadcast live internet radio! A pleasure to use.