
FUSE module for iPhone and iPod Touch devices
  3 reviews

IFuse is a FUSE filesystem driver which uses libiphone to connect to iPhone and iPod Touch devices without needing to "jailbreak" them. iFuse uses the native Apple AFC protocol over a normal USB cable in order to access the device's media files.

Although iFuse is now in a working state it is still under heavy development and should be considered experimental.
Latest reviews
somebody 1 year ago

Terminal directions. Obviously, run commands without the quotes. 1. install ifuse and dependencies: "sudo apt install usbmuxd libimobiledevice6 libimobiledevice-utils" 2. Make a directory where the iPhone will be mounting: "mkdir -p ~/iPhone" 3. Connect the iPhone. 4. Mount the iPhone: "ifuse ~/iPhone" --That's it. Enjoy!

catslash 2 years ago

It worked well enough. Plugged iPad into USB, unlocked iPad, hit "Trust" and it auto-mounted and allowed photos to be copied. Bytes copied and data rate were under-reported by a factor of ~100. Time to finish exaggerated by factor of ~100. Need to prevent iPad sleeping during transfer.

luizrincao 6 years ago

installed by the application manager but does not run