
add support to non-standard buttons on mouse in Linux
  5 reviews

Many mice have side or "thumb" buttons that see limited use in Linux, as well as a wheel that is not used by many older applications.

IMWheel supports these non-standard buttons and/or wheel operations by allowing the user to map their input to specific key combinations depending on the application in use.
Latest reviews
Corokicho 2 years ago

Me ayudo con el pequeño problema de la rueda. Aunque, batalle ya que no sabia que necesitaba hacer mas, por suerte encontré un pagina con instrucciones.

nekeke 3 years ago

Same for me as mikael: Can't find it in settings or any places in the GUI. If I click Start in the App Manager, it also doesnt start.

mikael 4 years ago

Cant find it in settings or any places in the GUI. If I click Start in the App Manager, it also doesnt start.

BossManCometh 5 years ago

No problems for me, does exactly what I wanted. Helpful instructions here - and from -h

mcoumans 14 years ago

Managed to semi-crash my system (CPU 100%), with some interaction with Xorg 1.7. Replaced by BTNX: no more problems.