
A graphical file search application
  2 reviews

FSearch helps you to find files and folders as easy and fast as possible. Just type a few letters and search results will appear almost instantly.

There are a lot of features which make searching as efficient and powerful as possible. Such as:

  • Ignore case (e.g. searching for "fsearch" will match "FSearch" as well)
  • Regular expressions
  • Wildcard support
  • Filter support (e.g. only search for audio files)
  • Exclude certain files and folders
  • Fast sort by name, path, size, modification time and extension

Note: Due to Flatpak's sandboxing, FSearch can't find every file on your system.

Latest reviews
boushi 1 year ago

Très bonne application ! Je n'ai pas trouvé la possibilité d'avoir une icone dans la zone de notification à la place de l'utilisation des panneaux. L'indexation se programme à intervalle régulier ce qui n'est pas réellement en temps réel. Mais globalement il fait un super travail !

RNMcLean 2 years ago

The rather large flatpak process can be avoided by the procedure outlined on requiring some 262KB On first activation you will need to indicate the starting point; in my case /home/nicky seemed to be what I might want. Other filespace locations can be added or removed from the scope. By looking in /usr/share/applications an entry for fshare can be copied to the desktop, and poking it with the rodent will activate the window for fsearch - wherein you can initiate a search and mess with the options...