
GTK+ frontend for mpv
  5 reviews

Celluloid is a simple media player that can play virtually all video and audio formats. It supports playlists and MPRIS2 media player controls. The design of Celluloid follows the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines, but can also be adapted for other systems that don't use client-side decorations (CSD). It is based on the mpv library and GTK.


  • Drag and drop playlist
  • Loading external mpv configuration files
  • MPRIS2 D-Bus interface
Latest reviews
aw07 2 months ago

Simpel, berfungsi dengan baik dan langsung, tanpa kerumitan tak perlu dan cukup mengejutkan, ia juga tampil elegan. Namun, jika ingin menambahkan fungsi ini dan itu serta tak keberatan berselancar dan mempelajarinya, itupun bisa -- namun tanpa hal itupun sudah sangat mencukupi. Versi flatpak direkomendasikan, tentu saja karena versinya yang terbaru (yang lebih canggih, saya harap versi Mint bisa sinkron dengan flatpak atau dengan cara default lainnya). Mudah-mudahan Celluloid fokus pada fungsi pemutar video berkemampuan multi yang sekaligus elegan - efektif - efisien. dan tak tergoda sebagai pemutar musik juga (sekalipun yang demikian pun tak apa, hanya berharap ia tak menjadi lebih gemuk - berlemak, lambat dan rumit, secara tak perlu). Terimakasih kepada Dev dan Tim. <3

ppp7032 3 years ago

I'd recommend the flatpak version of this app as it is less likely to be out of date. Works better than VLC for playing videos from my local sambashare media server. Only problem is I don't think there are any options for looking at info of the video being played such as resolution or bitrate but I think that goes hand in hand with this being a self-described "simple" media player.

Vrizkag 4 years ago

Ever since 19.3, i've used the Celluloid that comes with it by default, and i'm a fan. It has played countless albums of lossless music and occasionally MP3's as well without a hitch. I've also used it as an aide for making .m3u playlist. No complaints here.

Tinken 5 years ago

Music playback is audiophile quality. Offloads processing from cpu to hardware well. Very low noise and no errors, hiccups or bugs. One of the best playback programs for Linux.

pcfan5 5 years ago

Doesn't work for mp3 files, It hangs up. Several error windows, removing.