
Easily convert text to speech
  1 review

VoiceGen is a simple piece of software for reading your texts. It can give you a limited access to Streamlabs (amazon polly) voices, also it provides an interface followed by an enhancer for svox pico text to speech engine.

It can be used as a text reader or a narrator for your project/video.


  • Easy to use and minimal
  • Save output files
  • Multiple speech engines
  • Voice enhancer for svox

With ❤ by PersianGolf

Latest reviews
olafthelofty 6 months ago

I was using this thinking it was a standalone app. It's not. It only works with an internet connection. There are no privacy statements so where exactly is the text that you listen to actually going? I'm writing a book. It's private until published. I don't have any proiblem with companies placing conditions but this needs to be stated one way or the other. Saying nothing implies they can do what they like.