
Voip and instant messaging client
  4 reviews

Jitsi is an application that allows you to do audio/video conversations over the internet through the sip and xmpp/jabber protocol, as well as chat with your friends using some of the most popular instant messaging protocols such as sip/simple, xmpp/jabber, aim/icq, yahoo and others.
Latest reviews
Kulla 9 years ago

Audio und Video-Chats funktionieren nicht

Bambi 10 years ago

Works perfectly on Linux, Android and Windows. Very tidy interface. Automatic encryption. Picture quality of HD camera could be better. Version 2.6.5390 provides legal assistance to write for many languages ​​including French, German, Spanish ... it's operating with my jabber /xmpp account (from pidgin)

squid-f 10 years ago

2.5 works better (to be downloaded from jitsi.org) ; actually I have never succeeded to connect to my XMPP jisti account with the 2.4 but it worked straight away with the 2.5 ! Skype user interface is still more friendly than Jitsi one. The day Jitsi becomes truly multi-platform (including tablets), it will be a better option than Skype.

bjtamas 10 years ago

Tud titkosított szöveges-,hang-, illetve videókommunikációt is. Távoli asztal megosztást támogat. Sok erőforrást pazarol (java).