
graphical disk usage display with cleanup facilities
  3 reviews

K4DirStat (KDE Directory Statistics) is a small utility program that sums up disk usage for directory trees, very much like the Unix 'du' command. It displays the disk space used up by a directory tree, both numerically and graphically. It is network transparent (i.e., you can use it to sum up FTP servers), and comes with predefined and user configurable cleanup actions. You can directly open a directory branch in Konqueror or the shell of your choice, compress it to a .tar.bz2 archive, or define your own cleanup actions.
Latest reviews
kokbira 6 years ago

-1 because it would be better (e.g., option to show files only to certain directory level; option to work in background to update "online"; option to show folder names inside blocks)

nissimnanach 7 years ago

Awesome Thank You!

MatthewCushman 9 years ago

This is the package that is closest to WinDirStat - you get the nice shiny rectangle breakdown at the end, etc. Must have.