
Subversion client with tight KDE integration
  9 reviews

KDESvn is a graphical client for the Subversion revision control system (svn).

Besides offering common and advanced svn operations, it features a tight integration into KDE and can be embedded into other KDE applications like Konqueror via the KDE component technology KParts.
Latest reviews
elfynity 2 years ago

I recently learnt Subversion and spent hours trying to find svn software, tried literally everything, and then I installed this one. Not a glitch, so easy to use, everything makes sense, works like a dream! It has literally solved every subversion issue I had! Thank you!!

Watachiaieto 4 years ago

I have only used it on one small respository. No issues ATM, runs nice. I wish the default colors were a bit less gaudy. Additionally, it would be great if some of the properties that the items have were represented with icons rather than colors.

alexs20 9 years ago


devmaksi 9 years ago

Для рабочего окружения KDE лучше не найти!

dheeraj9823 11 years ago

Finally a svn ui without a flaw.

mikhailo 12 years ago

good, though could be better like tortoise

pixel293 13 years ago

I liked it better when I had a KDE environmetn setup. Under GNOME it's okay, and seems to be better than the other GUIs. My biggest problem with it lately is that functionality is hid under two different sub menus, and remembering which one is a pain.

irishfury 13 years ago

Love it. Almost as good os TortoiseSVN. It's getting there.

sheldonh 13 years ago

Could do with further intergration