
compares and merges 2 or 3 files or directories
  5 reviews

KDiff3 compares two or three input files and shows the differences line by line and character by character. It provides an automatic merge facility and an integrated editor for comfortable solving of merge conflicts. KDiff3 allows recursive directory comparison and merging as well. KDiff3 also has KIO support, so it can access to remote files and compressed archives.
Latest reviews
chris38 2 years ago

unlike the Windows version, this version is not complete and not very usable

tometchy 5 years ago

I like it very much and use it often :) A pity there is no way to edit files or open blank comparision, that's why I sometimes use Meld instead.

mohammedmt 11 years ago

Like Kdiff

wanda 13 years ago

there's also a stripped-down version called kdiff3-qt not depending on the kde libraries , better.

Piilen 13 years ago

Also works under gnome not just KDE