
countdown timer
  2 reviews

KTimer is a countdown timer for running commands after a delay. The countdown can be paused or set to loop continuously.

This package is part of the KDE SC utilities module.
Latest reviews
powerwagon75 5 years ago

Previous comment of no sound. I worked on this for a bit, and ended up with the following line as the command line: /home/myuser/timerstop. Timerstop being a small script that contains: (1)#bin/bash (2)# (3)timelimit -pq -t 5 xplayer /home/myuser/timerstop.ogg (4)# (5)xviewer /home/myuser/Desktop/Teststop.png (6)#. Numbers in parenthesis are the file line numbers and not part of the script. You have to install timelimit (sudo apt-install timelimit) The -t 5 option is for a 5 second application duration, that is, how long the application will stay open, so be sure to set it long enough for your sound byte to complete. Immediately following the sound I wanted a pop-up message on the screen, and it displays immediately after the sound plays. Not real pretty, but it works.

LoveJungle 7 years ago

The timer counts down, but there is no sound that plays to let you know when the time is up. Shouldn't there at least be an option for a sound to play or am I missing something?