
lightweight mind-mapping tool
  6 reviews

Labyrinth is a lightweight mind-mapping tool, written in Python using Gtk and Cairo to do the drawing. It is intended to be as light and intuitive as possible, but still provide a wide range of powerful features.

A mind-map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea. It is used to generate, visualise, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organisation, problem solving, and decision making
Latest reviews
Korpu 9 years ago

Program is very efficient, but help is not helpful. In short: click on canvas creates node, type content, click anywhere else on canvas to finish node creation. It's autosaves. Link is auto created between 2 nodes: last clicked on and one you are creating now. To eliminate this link, use Shift key to select by clicking both nodes, then go to menu Edit > Create Link. Existing link will diappear. Connecting unconnected nodes is done the same way. Drag node to put it in different place. Aerial view by Zoom out icon on the top, restoring by Zoom1 icon. Has 2 windows, list of maps and particular map's view. For me it's more efficient and faster than XMind and CompendiumNG. I highly recommend it.

yason 9 years ago

Саме те, що я і шукав. Досить просто, але можна довільно встановлювати зв’язки між комірками.

Danko8321 9 years ago

Really great. Totally recomended.

aztec 11 years ago

This is a real gem of a program as the interface does not get in the way. OK it's being developed I guess, but hopefully not over developed like vym. Less is more, great stuff so far.

tql1Qu 11 years ago

A pure functional. No localization

Averell 12 years ago

Pas assez d'options pour un mindmapping Preferer Vym