
Smart search launcher for installed programs or files
  4 reviews

Launchy is the most efficient way to open files, folders, websites, and programs on your computer. Instead of having to browse the menus to find an application, Launchy is a smart search program which tries to guess which program or file you are looking for and will launch it when you hit the enter key. It runs in background and appears when the configured key combination is pressed (Ctrl+Space by default) or the tray icon is clicked.
Latest reviews
kaarlows 9 years ago

Awesome little tool and huge timesaver, a must-have for anyone who loves keyboard navigation and shortcuts.

ttnt 9 years ago

5 / 5 [IMPORTANT: disable "Hide launchy when it loses focus" to avoid bugs]

pranavsrivatsav 10 years ago

effective search agent! works as good as it did in windows

newminter99 10 years ago

should be rating pending... I use this in windows and I can consider it like essential, I'm new to linux, here in mint 17 kde doesn't work it's a sad because is an awesome productivity tool to start to move around fast ( it loses focus and closes itself ). I just found Alt+F2 is similar but I miss launchy. Cheers