Firebird is a relational database offering many ansi sql-99 features that runs on linux, windows, and a variety of unix platforms. firebird offers excellent concurrency, high performance, and powerful language support for stored procedures and triggers. it has been used on production systems under a variety of names since 1981.
this package containst libfbembed2 - the embedded client/server library for firebird.
it can work with remote firebird servers (either super-server or classic) via tcp connections, in the same way libfbclient does.
contrary to libfbclient, libfbembed is not thread-safe.
when working with local database libfbembed works directly with the database file without the need of a separate server process. it needs a separate lock manager -- fb_lock_mgr -- which is in firebird2.0-classic package.
if you are in doubt, you most probably need libfbclient2, instead of this package.