
Library and program to read and write meta information in multimedia files
  5 reviews

Image::exiftool is a perl module with an included command-line application called exiftool for reading and writing meta information in a wide variety of files, including the maker note information of many digital cameras by various manufacturers such as canon, casio, flir, fujifilm, ge, hp, jvc/victor, kodak, leaf, minolta/konica-minolta, nikon, nintendo, olympus/epson, panasonic/leica, pentax/asahi, phase one, reconyx, ricoh, samsung, sanyo, sigma/foveon and sony.
Latest reviews
TimK1987 7 years ago

Works fine and just a good job, but please deliver an update

72357 7 years ago

i dont now how many stars but new version oct2016 10.31

curtn 9 years ago

ExifTool is very usefull for me; for example for image auto renaming scripts.

kirill_zak 11 years ago

Powerful software to edit exif

tomasfox 11 years ago

Very good program to view and modify exif data of many type of multimedia files from the command line.