
Office productivity suite -- arch-independent files
  9 reviews

Libreoffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for microsoft(r) office.

this package contains the architecture-independent files of libreoffice.
Latest reviews
smoky_stu 3 years ago

Without a doubt it's a great office suite, but after deleting it and reinstalling it and restarting the computer, I can not get any of the office suite to open up. I dearly want to use Writer but it won't open.

Calisto 9 years ago

Gibt mittlerweile LibreOffice 5 - habe es mir direkt beim Entwickler geladen.

harrygrey 9 years ago

Das funktioniert weder in Windows noch bei Linux richtig, kein Support, besser ist Apache OO

iosonoscrive 9 years ago

Useful Useful Useful Useful very best complete usefull office oky GRAZIE

warlock2 10 years ago

Great office suite with all main functions.

stuart12 11 years ago

A great office suite with all the main functions requested. For writing and spreadsheets this is really fast, also very good for presentations. There is also an easy PDF production.

gerard_bekking 11 years ago

only useful for microsoft files but mostly not compateble enough. However if microsoft user save in open document-formats everything looks perfect.

slw_ 12 years ago

Možda nije lepši od W.Off; ali radi sve što i prethodno pomenuti. A uz to ne košta ama baš ništa.

librelegal 13 years ago

LibreOffice is very reliable and updated regularly - I use it everyday for business purposes and am very impressed. Beste Office-Suite, regelmäßige Updates, nutzerorientiert, Kompatibilität auch mit MS-Office und und obendrein eine neuartige Stiftung, die jedem Aktiven die Mitwirkung/Mitbestimmung erlaubt und garantiert