
text-based genealogy software
  2 reviews

LifeLines is a genealogy program that runs on UNIX systems in text mode. It maintains genealogical records (persons, families, sources, events and others) in a database, and generates reports from those records.

There are no practical limits on the number of records that can be stored in a LifeLines database, nor on the amounts or kinds of data that can be kept in the records.

LifeLines does not contain built-in reports. Instead it provides a programming subsystem that you use to program your own reports and charts. Some standard report files are included in the lifelines-reports package.

The programming subsystem also lets you query your databases and process your data in any way. LifeLines uses the terminal independent features of UNIX to provide a screen and menu based user interface.

The program is able to read and write GEDCOM files, the de facto standard for genealogical data exchange.
Latest reviews
quintab 11 years ago

Steep learning curve, but very powerful database program. Contains powerful report sub-programs which can be used to calculate relationships and even build web sites.

inksi 11 years ago

got married, one son. could not get my parents married or to own me :(