The reason this game doesn't run is it cannot make the /.lincity-ng directory in your home directory because it possesess the hyphen. To fix this, go to terminal and run command sudo mkdir ~/.lincity-ng then you will have to unlock the folder for save-game by running the command sudo chmod 777 ~/.lincity-ng -R
Doesn't even function on a fresh install - 2 years and this isn't fixed? Also, if you do manage to get it running, after quitting, Xorg process will be stuck at 100% causing mouse movement and keyboard entry to slow to a crawl until you log out.
As people mention it does not work out of the box, you have to delete .lincity-ng and recreate it as a directory. Some larger save games core dumps when loading :/
rigolo comme jeux et graphisme soigné juste rajouté plus de chois de batiment et c'est bon ça ressamble à sims city 3000
Brilliant game, can make hours disappear :) could use a little more UI polish, but great open source implementation
it loads to the first sceen then crashes when i move my mouse and sends me back to the mint login screen
Excelente juego de simulación, diseñado para hacernos pensar .. y que bien que lo logra.
I like it. It's a pity that it doesn't have as many features as SimCity. But this is for free!
Llevo apenas unos 20 minutos jugando y me parece un excelente juego, es de los que buscaba.
Fantastic Game. Like the original Sim City game. Very stable and will probably run well on any system. If you are a first-person shoooter game person...then this is NOT for you. If you understand what the games is about then you will, of course, enjoy it! Have fun, we do.