
City simulator game with polished graphics
  19 reviews

LinCity-NG is a City Simulation Game. It is a polished and improved version of the old LinCity game: You are required to build and maintain a city. You must feed, house, provide jobs and goods for your residents. You can build a sustainable economy with the help of renewable energy and recycling, or you can go for broke and build rockets to escape from a pollution ridden and resource starved planet, it's up to you. Due to the finite resources available in any one place, this is not a game that you can leave for long periods of time. This game is similar to the commercial simulation game with a similar name.
Latest reviews
blackpink4 4 years ago

The reason this game doesn't run is it cannot make the /.lincity-ng directory in your home directory because it possesess the hyphen. To fix this, go to terminal and run command sudo mkdir ~/.lincity-ng then you will have to unlock the folder for save-game by running the command sudo chmod 777 ~/.lincity-ng -R

kruegejj 4 years ago

Doesn't even function on a fresh install - 2 years and this isn't fixed? Also, if you do manage to get it running, after quitting, Xorg process will be stuck at 100% causing mouse movement and keyboard entry to slow to a crawl until you log out.

ananix 5 years ago

As people mention it does not work out of the box, you have to delete .lincity-ng and recreate it as a directory. Some larger save games core dumps when loading :/

Ota1991 6 years ago

does not even run

zNigel- 7 years ago

Does not work

SeaWuf 9 years ago

Doesn't work with dual monitors. It screws with settings.

bjtamas 11 years ago

Nehezen kezelhető, unalmas.

miib96 11 years ago

rigolo comme jeux et graphisme soigné juste rajouté plus de chois de batiment et c'est bon ça ressamble à sims city 3000

patrickcage 11 years ago

Brilliant game, can make hours disappear :) could use a little more UI polish, but great open source implementation

joshjoshman123 12 years ago

it loads to the first sceen then crashes when i move my mouse and sends me back to the mint login screen

__alexander__ 13 years ago

Excelente juego de simulación, diseñado para hacernos pensar .. y que bien que lo logra.

undiaoscuro 13 years ago


creation 13 years ago

A very nice game :)

gregyboy234 13 years ago

if you want simcity. just download playonlinux

Michiel 13 years ago

I like it. It's a pity that it doesn't have as many features as SimCity. But this is for free!

mint10user 13 years ago

one of the best games i ever downloaded in Linux!

RamboRan 13 years ago

Love it

ChirmiPlay 14 years ago

Llevo apenas unos 20 minutos jugando y me parece un excelente juego, es de los que buscaba.

ntdevman 14 years ago

Fantastic Game. Like the original Sim City game. Very stable and will probably run well on any system. If you are a first-person shoooter game person...then this is NOT for you. If you understand what the games is about then you will, of course, enjoy it! Have fun, we do.