
Clone of the popular SSG game Warlords II
  8 reviews

A 2d turn-based strategy game where up to 8 players strive for control of as many cities as possible. Produce new armies in cities to conquer nearby cities. Using the income from those cities, make more armies to take more cities. Send a hero to a temple to get a quest, or maybe search a nearby ruin instead. Game should run well on modest hardware.

Play with others or against the computer.
Latest reviews
Pistolprinsen 8 months ago

The game is winning over time. Yes, it is true, that the game often crashes upon startup, when you're starting the game, but the author apparrently know that, because if you start the game again, right after it crashes, there are button saying 'Restart crashed game' - just click that one, and you're good - rarely crashes after that point. And, the gameplay is almost a true copy of the original 'Warlords 2', and you can really kill hours, if not days play it - one of the best TBS games for Linux out there.

linu2812 7 years ago

Doesnt' load with Linux Mint.

t73biz 8 years ago

I couldn't even get the game to load. I ran it from a console and got a Segmentation fault immediately.

spammeaccount 10 years ago

Some stability issues but graphics have improved, and there is a crash rescue function. I love ssi warlords and hope this has a good ai.

rgestrada 12 years ago

This game crashes as soon as I start it

panza96 13 years ago

i like this game...unfortunatelly...It crashes...

CaM-CMID 13 years ago


LeHorn 14 years ago

Nettes rundenbasiertes Strategiespiel. Wäre die Steuerung intuitiver, hätte ich die volle Punktzahl vergeben.