
on-screen keyboard
  4 reviews

Matchbox-keyboard is an on-screen 'virtual' or 'software' keyboard, designed for touch-screen devices running X.

Matchbox is a base environment for the X Window System running on non-desktop embedded platforms such as handhelds, set-top boxes, kiosks and anything else for which screen space, input mechanisms or system resources are limited.
Latest reviews
NicoCh 7 years ago

Very small! for LinuxMint Cinnamon i use Onboard from a new launcher on desktop.

Iljuase 10 years ago

Very small, not changed size, not support russian keyboard.

miib96 11 years ago

Simple et pratique juste bien

discodick 11 years ago

For my purposes on Linux Mint Cinnamon 13, mostly useless. Too small to read. Couldn't re-size it or move it. Wouldn't show up in panel. Had to kill it with system monitor. Poorly designed, in my opinion.