
MATE terminal emulator application
  2 reviews

MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions: - Access a UNIX shell in the MATE environment. - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals.

MATE Terminal features the ability to use multiple terminals in a single window (tabs) and profiles support.
Latest reviews
Velazquez 2 years ago

Love it. Similar to Gnome terminal. Not too many bells and whistles, not too simple. But it has one feature that is neccessary for me and missing from Gnome terminal: transparent background. I often read or watch things through the terminal as I'm using it.

Larrik 5 years ago

By far my favorite terminal on Linux. It's somehow simpler to use and yet more customizable and powerful than gnome-terminal or any of the others.