
lightweight GTK window manager
  2 reviews

Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK to do everything.

As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios."

This package contains the core binaries.
Latest reviews
chumney_2000 12 years ago

Compiz lagged really bad on my quadcore with hd3200 gpu. I fixed it but it broke most of my system time to time. And i lost my workspaces, something i have been spoiled with when getting used to linux and android. Untill Compiz fixes this, I will stick to metacity. I am NOT the only one with the same problem. Thank you metacity for giving me a stable window manager, while letting me keep the extra features like workspaces I've come to enjoy. 5 stars, the lagging was really annoying and for a minute I ALMOST went back to windows 7. Metacity to the rescue!

Roin 14 years ago

I never understood why GNOME uses such a weak Window Manager.