Minbif is an irc gateway to im networks which provides the following features:
* minbif uses a library which abstracts all im calls, and has several
plugins to support more than 15 im protocols (irc included!);
* two modes: inetd and daemon fork;
* only irc commands are used to control minbif;
* certificates check;
* buddies are irc users;
* each account has a status channel. you see in all connected
buddies, and their status on it;
* add and remove buddies from list with /invite and /kick commands;
* blocked users are bans on the account's status channel;
* display when a buddy is typing a message;
* can chat with someone who is not in your buddy list;
* you can see buddies' icons (with libcaca) or download them;
* dcc send an image to set your icon on im networks;
* display extended information about buddies with /wii command;
* support away messages;
* can send and receive files, which are sent or received to/from your
irc client with dcc send;
* conversation channels are supported;
* auto\-rejoin conversation channels at connection;
* display list of channels on an im account with /list;
* irssi scripts to increase your user experience of minbif;
* cacacam (webcam in ascii art).
* coincoin plugin for libpurple.
this package provides the "cacacam" webcam functionality.