
Unofficial way to easily install Minecraft.
  20 reviews

In Minecraft you break and place blocks to build imaginative things
Latest reviews
killuaxD 4 years ago

is an outdated launcher. download directly from the minecraft site!

Shadowstreik 5 years ago

The launcher now requires version 11 of the OpenJDK software. It will not work on 'Bionic'/LM19, either.

cdscoates 5 years ago

This is an outdated launcher. It won't run current versions of MineCraft (1.14.3+) This can be very confusing, as when trouble-shooting they of course expect you to un/re-install, which just un/re-installs the same outdated launcher. Also, be careful to uninstall this version before installing the .deb from the Minecraft site; for some reason this version obscures the updated version until it's uninstalled.

Th3Gr0ggySl0th 5 years ago

I think I know why it doesn't work for us linux mint users, this version is for Xenial, not Bionic.

Heldenhirn 5 years ago

Does not work at all

Shelly 5 years ago

To install minecraft go on minecraft.net and install the minecraft.deb version this sould work fine ;)

dirceu 5 years ago

The installation through software manager does not work anymore. You must try some alternatives by community.

HonorisCreed 5 years ago

The description of the game is outdated & it cannot be installed in the latest Mint versions.

Brn17 5 years ago

This launcher fails in Mint 19.1 and breaks Mint software installer !!! You have to install the official launcher Minecraft.deb

ephraimshofar 6 years ago

Usually doesn't work in 19.1; save yourself the trouble and download it direct from MAJONG's web site.

AlohaMint 6 years ago

Broken in mint 19 and for the current version of minecraft. Get the official client from Mojiang.com

hawksquawks 6 years ago

I have played minecraft since 2011 1.7.3 beta, this easy installer is outstanding, makes installing Minecraft so much easier then prior to this.

dnsbob 6 years ago

If you don't want to switch to oracle-java8, you can install the official launcher with: curl https://launcher.mojang.com/download/Minecraft.deb > Minecraft.deb; apt install ./Minecraft.deb

adamvnz 6 years ago

Still works with V1.13 but only works with oracle-java8. Any other java end with errors

oshaunregulated 6 years ago

Application fails to load - states error in loading. Does not function currently.

jorfor 6 years ago

Couldn't play, it asks for 24€ to buy the game.

noah123 7 years ago

A pretty easy way to launch minecraft and it beats finding and clicking on the launcher.jar file every time I want to play! It is an out of date version of the launcher though therefore it is not as easy to use as the windows launcher. I understand this is most likely because it is unofficial.

sudolinux 7 years ago

I like this. Let me easily get back into playing some minecraft :)

MazeRunner 7 years ago

It didn't install correctly. There appeared no "launch" button in the software manager and when I clicked on the laucher, in the menu, it just wouldn't start.

n00b 7 years ago

Muito Bom Ainda Melhor Por Causa Do Launcher Antigo