
The Linux Mint Update Manager
  20 reviews

Helps installing security updates and new versions of packages.
Latest reviews
rainbowoflight 11 months ago

Today 2024-04-10 Thank you for acting on my review on 2023-09-5. Now when I change the font size to 12 for all aspects of the LM it also increased the font size in the update manager so I can read what is being installed on my box. The Linux Mint Team does a great job of keeping me and those who try it safe, in the know, functioning, private and free. HipHip Hurray!!!

Str8gamE 1 year ago

I would give this a 5 if .... it didn't refresh the list of downloads automatically.. it automatically refreshes the list of updates for example, if you add an app to the "ignore all future updates for this package" (by clicking the right-click context menu option) and also after closing the "Preferences" window..

joao-gs 2 years ago

very beautiful and intuitive!

Busybody 4 years ago

Had trouble with my original update manager, so uninstalled it here so I could re-install it. The re-install attempt returned a list of errors of files it couldn't access. (no longer supported?)

axisofevil 5 years ago

If it doesn't start when you want it to, just run mintupdate from the CLI.

user12138 7 years ago

i use mint because of it.

benediktneumayr 7 years ago

I had always to struggle with it because this application got stuck during "Calculating...", but now with Linux Mint 18.2 it works really fine. It needs 10 Minutes for calculation when I back up the whole "/" (of course without /media/backupdrive), but then it does it job, even without root privileges!

MoroccanIIGamer 7 years ago

I like it , For its simplicity :) !

Vasilis_K 7 years ago

Though there's no need to rate it!

sorcerer25 7 years ago

this app won't update anything until update itself, therefore "refresh button" don't do anything, and that is REALLY CONFUSING, you should make this clear by an warning or something, so ppl won't press refresh and cosider that this app IS NOT WORKING !!!!!

jpberes 8 years ago

Simply the best !

cmoi 8 years ago

au top

Erased 8 years ago

A basic necessity

hrfabarac 8 years ago

Estupendo gestor de actualizaciones

RytronII 9 years ago

The Ultimate Update Manager!

Edtigoza 9 years ago

Easy to use, usefull

godspeed23 9 years ago

Easy to use; but the panel icon diappeared with the last update of Mint

SilverGames 9 years ago

Just recently it has stopped appearing on my panel when closed. I have no idea what caused this but it's very annoying.

iosonoscrive 9 years ago

very useful very useful very useful very useful

thorneo 9 years ago

would very much like to see a setting where I can set the time when it checks for updates..