
Save space by quickly and losslessly trimming video and audio files
  10 reviews

Simple and ultra fast cross platform tool for lossless trimming/cutting of video and audio files. Great for saving space by rough cutting your large video files taken from a video camera, GoPro, drone, etc. It lets you quickly extract the good parts from your videos and discard many gigabytes of data without doing a slow re-encode and thereby losing quality. It extremely fast because it does an almost direct data copy. It is fueled by the awesome ffmpeg (included) for doing the grunt work. It also features some other lossless operations on videos.

Latest reviews
gwflmhr 3 weeks ago

Works perfectly on Mint 21.3 Cinamon

Drizzle 3 months ago

Won't lsunch for me either. No error message, no log that I can see. Just nothing. The appimage you can get from their github does work.

cyberbillp 4 months ago

Doesn't launch at all. Won't launch either from the menu or from the Software Manager. Nov 2024.

snowfinch 1 year ago

One of the most useful video-editing tools I've ever come across. Simple and intuitive to use, and does the job quickly and without either losing quality or adding a load of extra megabytes to the file. Awesome!

harkra 1 year ago

great programm, works very intuitive and fast for cutting & joining mp4 files

likeaboogie 1 year ago

Les découpages d'une vidéo ne sont pas précises et donc le résultat n'est pas celui voulu

RogerWilco 2 years ago

Easy to use for simply cutting out parts of videos without reencoding. I used the latest AppImage version from their GitHub though.

ChainSwordCS 2 years ago

Very nice video editor for its purpose. As an archivist of digital media, this is going in my toolkit from now on. Edit: As someone else said, this release tends to be outdated compared to latest stable Github release. Downgraded to 4 stars

zeroconf 4 years ago

At there is already several months out multiple new versions: currently 3.23.8 but in Flatpak is still old 3.22.3. Looks like even under Snap is newest version available. Have to download AppImage therefore as I don't want to install Snap under Linux Mint.

phoinx 4 years ago

Amazing! It is very simple and fast! Very useful for simple edits (trims, crops)! Thank you very much!