
NVIDIA CUDA development toolkit
  4 reviews

The Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) enables NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs) to be used for massively parallel general purpose computation.

This package contains the nvcc compiler and other tools needed for building CUDA applications.

Running CUDA applications requires a supported NVIDIA GPU and the NVIDIA driver kernel module.
Latest reviews
Tommyguns 5 months ago

After checking compatability and kernel and followed verbatim instructions from both nvidia and even linux mint including linux mint forums it has come to my attention this is not something an ordinary Joe schmo can do. Or I may be the biggest fool and believed i could do this successfuly yet every time i crashed my system and reinstalled different operating systems 4 times to make it work and i just cant seem to want to crash another system so i'll leave it alone unless someone developer preferred email me tomasm.nelson@gmail.com and works with me. I call it quits and say peace.

armengot 1 year ago

Why the nvidia-driver is uninstalled by apt when I install the cuda-toolkit package?

amicalmant 3 years ago

Along with the nvidia-settings and nvidia-prime packages, this tool used to work perfectly with my laptop's discrete GeForce 940MX 3D adapter. It enabled GPU encoding/decoding in any video application such as VLC or Shotcut. Alas! Something is broken now and I can't install it on LM 20.2 anymore -- the package is flagged as "unavailable" in the Software Manager app. :-(

johnnykeys 3 years ago

If you're trying to compile anything with this and find it is incompatible with gcc - that's because the version here on the repos is outdated.