
command-line based binary newsgrabber for nzb files
  1 review

NZBGet is a command-line based binary newsgrabber that uses nzb files as described in, they are commonly used to describe binaries posted in the Usenet that span multiple posts.

nzbget can be run as a standalone tool, in client/server mode or as a daemon, which makes it ideal to run on NAS-devices or routers. nzbget supports automatic par-check/-repair can use scripts to postprocess downloaded files, for example to stream them to an audio/video player.
Latest reviews
danger89 9 years ago

Clearly the best nzb client at the moment! NZBGet has a nice webinterface as well. It's NOT command-line only. You can run nzbget as daemon. You can access the web interface via: http://localhost:6789/ by default.