
GNU Octave language for numerical computations
  18 reviews

Octave is a (mostly MATLAB® compatible) high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command-line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically.

Octave can be dynamically extended with user-supplied C++ files.
Latest reviews
RNMcLean 2 years ago

Installation was like one-hand-clapping. Things happened, but, no link to activate Octave was to be seen. From the command line, octave was recognised and a command-line interface appeared. By looking in /usr/share/applications an entry called GNU Octave (with nice icon) could be found, and copying that to the desktop gave a suitable target for a rodent poke to activate Octave's command line, this time opening a graphical style window. The download was about 80MB, but a previous installation via "flatpak" required ~600MB as I recall so that's to be avoided. Starting Octave from that installation was much slower than with the current installation via the software manager. Once figured out. I use Octave to plot data, and good plots result. Text manipulation is maddening, and simple variables being 1x1 matrices is strange. More frustrating is that what should be a one-dimensional array (a "vector") of length N sometimes manifests as 1xN and sometimes as Nx1.

FinixFighter 3 years ago

I find it better than Matlab. And it's open source!

Minessota_Klei 3 years ago

Very good program! Works great on Linux Mint 20.2!

harrylin 4 years ago

Good Matlab replacement, works also in Mint 20 (edited comment)

madmax95 4 years ago

Best matlab clone! There is still room for progress, but this app helped me with my studies, as I could not afford matlab! Thanks!!

rawaniajay 6 years ago

Awesome !

darko123455 6 years ago

Its really great, i cant see why people are still using paid versions of mathemathical laboratories.

alitatli 6 years ago

It need to be up to date.. the latest version has variable editor.. If it is possible.. please.. :D

kaushikgm 8 years ago

Really great package.

proguru 9 years ago

Really a great MatLab alternative, runs most .m files without much modifications

Danyel 9 years ago

Excelente! lo que necesitaba para teoria de control!

sharno 11 years ago

Used it for a machine learning course on coursera and it was awesome. The best alternative for Matlab.

3dBloke 11 years ago

I got to know Octave as part of the Coursera "Machine Learning" course in 2012. I'm sure I've only scraped the surface of what it's capabale of. Powerful tool.

ionr 11 years ago

very nice matlab-compatibility, reads my files and plots fine. even those axis-handle-things work great, so i can plot more complex graphs.

mazinga 11 years ago

Great program, apart beeing free is way lighter than Matlab - install it with QtOctave GUI and enjoy a powerful matrix laboratory enviroment. Did all the Matlab required work for my University (geometry and physics computation) in it; I've started always in Matlab at UNI and continued on my computer at home with the Matlab saved *.m files – it was perfectly compatible, so I recommend Octave to evryone - give it a try and do it open source. Thanks a lot!

simuloid 11 years ago

Good matlab compatibility. Great matrix processing. Powerful but arcane plotting support.

baldus602 11 years ago

I love it it is really powerful

apurbapaul0 11 years ago

verry powrful program and highly compatible with matlab