
Church lyrics projection application
  7 reviews

OpenLP is free church presentation software, or lyrics projection software, used to display slides of songs, Bible verses, videos, images, and even presentations for church worship using a computer and a data projector.
Latest reviews
nichot20 1 year ago

Used to work fine and was great software, but at some stage an update (probably in python) has broken this now rather old version and it errors. Even a reinstall doesn't fix it.

macnsnaz 2 years ago

Agree with ninepine: need to install "sudo apt install python3-distutils" to run on Mint---otherwise nothing happens when you try to launch.

ninepine 3 years ago

Not really a review bur a note that you will need python3-distutils installed to run OpenLP on Linux Mint. In Terminal do "sudo apt install python3-distutils" before you try and run OpenLP for the first time.

mikemost 4 years ago

Openlp is an awesome software for church presentation of scriptures, lyrics and media. Once I found out about Openlp, I never turned my back to the others. Keep up the good work and may God bless you for this awesome software.

Elmk 5 years ago

Very stable, easy to learn and to configure. Many useful functions.

slaptjips 7 years ago

Primary presentation software in our church. Stable, highly useful, cross platform (use on Mint, Windows, Mac)

einnerlink 9 years ago

La principaly mejor aplicaciĆ³n para proyector nuestros recursos en el servicio.