
A free and highly sophisticated flight simulator
  4 reviews

FlightGear allows you to control over 400 aircraft, small and large in a range of situations, types of weather, seasons, day and night cycle. This includes single-engine propeller aircraft, large 4-engine passenger liners, experimental aircraft, classic and vintage aircraft and helicopters.

The FlightGear landscape covers the entire world and is downloaded as you fly. Visit any of the 20,000 airports with an accurate representation of airport buildings on many of the larger, international airports.

Most popular flight control hardware, such as yokes and sticks are supported. Multiple monitor setup and multiplayer is also featured.

Latest reviews
clairtonmichel 2 years ago

excelente o melhor, excelent

pacificrw 4 years ago

N'en déplaise à Microsoft avec lequel j'ai commencé - il y a 20 ans et pour une somme coquette - et après des efforts soutenus pour maîtriser la "bête", les tutos, les forums (très utiles et efficaces), je peux affirmer que FG soutient la comparaison en termes de réalisme et plaisirs procurés. Manquent encore des scènes et aéroports en HD mais c'est déjà bluffant ! A utiliser sans modération, en multi-écrans et multi-joueurs notamment.

ArnaudDorthe 4 years ago


Cyber_Pilot 4 years ago

One of the most fun to play ever!!!!