
Calendar for GNOME
  4 reviews

GNOME Calendar is a simple and beautiful calendar application designed to perfectly fit the GNOME desktop. By reusing the components which the GNOME desktop is built on, Calendar nicely integrates with the GNOME ecosystem.

We aim to find the perfect balance between nicely crafted features and user-centred usability. No excess, nothing missing. You’ll feel comfortable using Calendar, like you’ve been using it for ages!

Latest reviews
lericony 3 years ago

Quasi unbenutzbar

Haggen88 4 years ago

It works but need to improve performance and allow you to choose the temperature in the proper unit of measure.

nemlabanc 5 years ago

Nálam abszolút nem működött, fura karakterek voltak számok és betűk helyett.

kokbira 6 years ago

-2 points because it is so slow to load data from Google Calendar