
Find places around the world
  6 reviews

Maps gives you quick access to maps all across the world. It allows you to quickly find the place you’re looking for by searching for a city or street, or locate a place to meet a friend.

Maps uses the collaborative OpenStreetMap database, made by hundreds of thousands of people across the globe.

Latest reviews
toomyg155 2 years ago

Flatpak version says Fail to connect to loction services why? No idea but no flatpak works fully.

UmpquaRiver 2 years ago

It's simple, elegant, and intuitive! This Flatpak version is better. It's a great take on OpenStreetMap!

Desmond 3 years ago

Works great, (the shortcut was put in Accessories). Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon.

RolfMeles 4 years ago

It does not appear in the start menu. But It is possible to add it using the menu editor. In my case the path is /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=gapplication --file-forwarding org.gnome.Maps launch org.gnome.Maps @@u %U @@ Also I would like to know, how to add map layers, it seems to be possible!

harrygrey 6 years ago

Läßt sich nur einmal starten über den Starter, danach nur noch von der Anwendungsverwaltung.

RavetcoFX 7 years ago

Great maps/direction app especially if you want to avoid Google Maps