Doing backups the easy way. Plugin your USB drive and let the Pika do the rest for you.
Pika Backup is designed to save your personal data and does not support complete system recovery. Pika Backup is powered by the well-tested BorgBackup software.
"Pika Backup is a GTK program designed to make simple backups based on borg." - the fact that it's GTK based means the UI is a lot cleaner and closer to Cinnamon DE. Compared to something like backintime-qt
Kept on reporting usb drive not connected. Trawled the web but no solution found (that worked). Uninstalled and re-installed three times. Deleted config files but no success. Uninstalled and installed Déjà Dup.
It looks and works great - EXCEPT - scheduled backups do not work due to Linux Mint using an older version of xdg-desktop-portal (version 1.14). In order for scheduled backups to work version 1.16 or newer is required.