GnuCash is a program for personal and small-business financial-accounting.
Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows you to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses. As quick and intuitive to use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional accounting principles like double-entry accounting to ensure balanced books and accurate reports.
With GnuCash you can (but are not limited to):
Flatpak Version 5.10 is unable to find MySql back end, even though it is definitely installed. I've had to recover version 5.9 which has worked just fine with the same back end for ages. If you use MySql and want to try V 5.10, do a Timeshift snapshot before you update!!
Gnucash is a great application. This criticism applies ONLY TO THE FLATPAK. There are two problems that I've encountered that cause me to reject the flatpak. The first is that "Reports' - all of them - do not work when there is an NVIDIA GPU. The second is that stock price retrievals do not work. Again, these concerns apply to the flatpak version. It is not a criticism of Gnucash. Gnucash is an excellent program.
Excepcional programa para llevar las cuentas personales. Al principio se hace un poco cuesta arriba aprender a usarlo. De hecho aún no configure cuentas de valores, pero en mi caso no es muy importante.
GnuCash is an excellent program. Comparable to Quickbooks. Works for personal finances as well as small business. Includes Accounts Payable/Receivable. If you are coming from a MicrosoftMoney or Quicken background then categories are now called Expense Accounts. The double-entry features of GnuCash provide all of the reporting you used to want, but couldn't have, on your categories.