
Check operability of computer hardware and find drivers
  3 reviews

A tool to probe for hardware, check operability and find drivers with the help of Linux Hardware Database.

Probe — is a snapshot of your computer hardware state. The tool checks operability of devices by analysis of logs, uploads anonymized hardware info to the database and returns a permanent url to view the probe of the computer:

flatpak run org.linux_hardware.hw-probe -all -upload

Run as root if you want to check health of all your hard drives.

If some of hardware devices doesn't work due to a missed driver then the tool will suggest a proper Linux kernel version according to the LKDDb or third-party drivers.

Latest reviews
Samuelfcampbell 3 months ago

I've used this with a Dell precision M4500 Linux 17.3 Rosa and found the resulting information very valuable in determining hardware satus for both internal and external machine devices. So you best be sure it is one of my favorites to add on to the Linux 20.1 'Ulyssa' Xfce 64-bit and now Linux Mint 22 Willma Xfxe and Ubuntu 24.

Ottawa 3 years ago

I just hope not other info like IP-address is saved on the website where my hardware info is!

rickmint20 4 years ago

La aplicación Funciona bien en mi i3-1005G1