
Thunderbird is a free and open source email, newsfeed, chat, and calendaring client
  4 reviews

Thunderbird is a free and open source email, newsfeed, chat, and calendaring client, that’s easy to set up and customize. One of the core principles of Thunderbird is the use and promotion of open standards - this focus is a rejection of our world of closed platforms and services that can’t communicate with each other. We want our users to have freedom and choice in how they communicate.

Thunderbird is an open source project, which means anyone can contribute ideas, designs, code, and time helping fellow users.

Latest reviews
oliverjames 1 year ago

Todays update to version 115.3.1 on Linux Mint caused a major headache. I found that uninstalling Thunderbird from the Mint repositories and reinstalling as a flatpack gave me a working email application (work being the operative word as the process has so far taken 2.5 hours when I could have been doing something productive!). I was then able to import my settings file from the .thunderbird default folder in home, but only after manually selecting it. After entering passwords for 3 accounts it only remains fro me to recreate the MS exchange account and restore "Owl". Ouf, what a pain!

Dave123 1 year ago

It is now completely unusable, has two copies of sent/draft folders and now duplicates appointments, see Now won't save sent emails.

Jote_AR 1 year ago

La nueva versión 115, realmente es bastante potente y supera en rendimiento a las anteriores. Este flatpak es muy estable y funciona bien.

Orko 3 years ago

Aktuelle Versionen unter Linux Mint, klasse! Es wäre noch besser, wenn TB ohne weiteres zutun direkt Zugriff auf /home/user/.themes/ und Unterordner hätte! Dann wird auch direkt das System-Theme angewendet. Wenn man das will, am besten direkt Flatseal installieren und dort den Zugriff auf die Themes freischalten. Wenn man den Pfad für ein Konto ändern möchte, was sicher nur die Wenigsten tun, muss man auch hier den Zugriff auf den entsprechenden Pfad freigeben. Ansonsten funktioniert alles einwandfrei, auch das installieren von Addons und die Verwaltung von Zertifikaten und Schlüsseln.