
Raspberry Pi imaging utility
  8 reviews

Raspberry Pi Imager downloads a .JSON file from the Raspberry Pi website with a list of all current download options, ensuring you are always installing the most up-to-date version.

Once you’ve selected an operating system from the available options, the utility reads the relevant file directly from the Raspberry Pi website and writes it straight to the SD card. This speeds up the process quite considerably compared to the standard process of reading it from the website, writing it to a file on your hard drive, and then, as a separate step, reading it back from the hard drive and writing it to the SD card.

During this process, Raspberry Pi Imager also caches the downloaded operating system image – that is to say, it saves a local copy on your computer, so you can program additional SD cards without having to download the file again.

Latest reviews
pal-one 4 months ago

funktioniert perfekt; nach Umzug von Windows nach LM ist es schön, hier alle wichtigen Tools wiederzufinden. Habe damit gleich mal in kleines PI-NAS gebaut (PI-OS lite mit SMB share und Freigabe)

Chietal 2 years ago

Nicht mehr wegzudenken für meine PI's! Funktionierender Raspberry Flasher der macht was er soll! Sehr zuverlässig, habe viele Images zum Testen geflasht, alle ohne Fehler!

Brett 2 years ago

Be aware that the *.deb from currently requires libssl1.1 which is depreciated in Mint 21. The flatpak works fine, but does take up a decent chunk of space.

Helmut 2 years ago

Funktioniert in LM 20.3 erst wenn der Kernel auf die Version 5.17.xxxx updatet, dann aber gut.

Orko 3 years ago

Funktioniert super! Ein wichtiger Tip, um sich das Leben etwas einfacher zu machen: Nach der Auswahl einer Image-Datei kann mit der Tastenkombination STRG + SHIFT + X ein Dialogfeld geöffnet werden, in dem man noch vor dem schreiben direkt SSH aktivieren kann und einiges mehr! Das macht die Einrichtung um ein vielfaches schneller und einfacher! Ich finde, das sollte als Tooltip erscheinen, wenn man das Programm öffnet oder auf eine andere Art einfacher zugänglich sein. So ist diese tolle Funktion leider nicht jedem bekannt... Works great! An important tip to make life a little easier: After selecting an image file, the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + X can open a dialog box in which you can activate SSH directly before writing and more! This makes the setup much faster and easier! I think this should appear as a tooltip when you open the program or be more easily accessible in some other way. So this great feature is unfortunately not known to everyone... Translated with (free version)

karelvk 3 years ago

I tried to install the Raspberry Pi Imager with the Program Manager, which loaded a Flatpak of more than 700 MB, needing 2.7 GB of diskspace ! This while the .deb from is only 411 kB. Alarmed, I have stopped the download. The installed program from the .deb only open and stops shortly. Hence my conclusion is that the Imager is not a well working program.

Fonzie 3 years ago

I downloaded an Ubuntu Server ISO beforehand, but the Raspberry Pi Imaging Utility can already download the Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu Server, several Ubuntu Desktops, Manjaro, (headless) Arch etc. on itself! So whatever you're planning to boot on your Pi, check to see if this Imaging Utility already has it or not!

RomanHG 4 years ago

I'm new to Raspberry, but this just seemed to work fine.