
Fast. Secure. Powerful.
  20 reviews

Pure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure, and synced across all your devices. One of the world's top 10 most downloaded apps with over 500 million active users.

FAST: Telegram is the fastest messaging app on the market, connecting people via a unique, distributed network of data centers around the globe.

SYNCED: You can access your messages from all your phones, tablets and computers at once. Telegram apps are standalone, so you don’t need to keep your phone connected. Start typing on one device and finish the message from another. Never lose your data again.

UNLIMITED: You can send media and files, without any limits on their type and size. Your entire chat history will require no disk space on your device, and will be securely stored in the Telegram cloud for as long as you need it.

SECURE: We made it our mission to provide the best security combined with ease of use. Everything on Telegram, including chats, groups, media, etc. is encrypted using a combination of 256-bit symmetric AES encryption, 2048-bit RSA encryption, and Diffie–Hellman secure key exchange.

100% FREE & OPEN: Telegram has a fully documented and free API for developers, open source apps and verifiable builds to prove the app you download is built from the exact same source code that is published.

POWERFUL: You can create group chats with up to 200,000 members, share large videos, documents of any type (.DOCX, .MP3, .ZIP, etc.) up to 2 GB each, and even set up bots for specific tasks. Telegram is the perfect tool for hosting online communities and coordinating teamwork.

RELIABLE: Built to deliver your messages using as little data as possible, Telegram is the most reliable messaging system ever made. It works even on the weakest mobile connections.

FUN: Telegram has powerful photo and video editing tools, animated stickers and emoji, fully customizable themes to change the appearance of your app, and an open sticker/GIF platform to cater to all your expressive needs.

SIMPLE: While providing an unprecedented array of features, we take great care to keep the interface clean. Telegram is so simple you already know how to use it.

PRIVATE: We take your privacy seriously and will never give any third parties access to your data. You can delete any message you ever sent or received for both sides, at any time and without a trace. Telegram will never use your data to show you ads.

We keep expanding the boundaries of what you can do with a messaging app. Don’t wait years for older messengers to catch up with Telegram — join the revolution today.

Latest reviews
Reptiliano203 2 months ago

Funcionan genial. Sin ninguna dificultad. Es estable

Quanty 2 months ago

Absolutely brilliant. Everything works great and without any Terminal using. Telegram itself is the best messsenger for me.

dynamiclynk 3 months ago

Works great!

igorsantos07 4 months ago

Telegram is great, but serving it via Flatpak is terrible - 3GB for a messaging app??? C'mon

northcamel 4 months ago

The best IM in terms of user friendly. It satisfied my needs of logging in multiple platforms and devices.

Drizzle 6 months ago

Shame it uses flatpak, which automatically knocks off a star, but everything else is good. For some things, I prefer the way discord does it, but overall this is the more competent app.

Mintov 7 months ago

It's fantastic.

vansh23jun 8 months ago

Use the snap version from official telegram website instead of flatpak. or run "sudo snap install telegram-desktop"

luis_abreu777 8 months ago

Não mostra os contactos. O ponteiro do rato assume uma forma estranha e muito pequena.

terzero 10 months ago

Nada mal. Funciona 10/10. Ojalá Telegram haga un rediseño de esta versión de Desktop. Lo único malo es que en la versión de Linux no existe la función de "Vista Rápida", para leer artículos y blogs dentro de Telegram sin abrir el navegador.

xocko12 10 months ago

It's a good piece of software but it needs to have Galician as a language option out of the box. É bo software, pero sería aínda mellor se engadir o galego como opción para escoller idioma sen ter que ser en versión beta.

rodionflowey 10 months ago

Perfect for chatting. Not good for calls.

marurunk 1 year ago

Best chat messaging. Has tools everywhere, and connect you with a vast of communities

ashinity 1 year ago

Bad support: you can get banned for no reason (I mean deleting and recreating account) and they will not check emails you are sending. From lightweight messenging app to heavy application-memory eater. I would recommend you guys to use Telegram-desktop with older version or another Telegram client. I don't like the original one. But still thanks to Durov, because you can send everything and it wil be encrypted as much is possible.

Catorwild 1 year ago

Installation très simple et rapide, sans crashs ou bugs. (Very simple installation, with no bug or crashes).

prevail_4528 1 year ago

it launches painfully long I am pretty sure something is wrong with the package

Newbee 1 year ago

Usually Telegram is fantastic but update from 4.11.3 to 4.11.8 completely crashed it. The minute it starts a blank Telegram screen appears and then the screen disappears along with the active tray icon. Fortunately, there was a timeshift capture before the update which was restored. Update 4.11.8 will be ignored on my machine. (Next update resolved bug - back to 5 stars.)

Blwred 1 year ago

Vengo de la versión de windows y la verdad no encuentro diferencia en trabajar con esta versión.

FreshMints 1 year ago

Suddenly can't launch the flatpak. Failed to load module

Wendell-Wolf 1 year ago

I can't get it to launch.